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Our Beloved Products

Welcome to our diverse poultry haven, where the finest flavors and highest quality meet!

Explore our product page, where we proudly showcase a range of poultry treasures to tantalize your taste buds and cater to your culinary desires. From the distinguished Kadaknath eggs and chicken, embodying a rich cultural heritage, to the wholesome Desi eggs and chicken that celebrate authenticity, and the versatile Sonali chicken that offers culinary versatility.

We also provide chicks for those looking to embark on their poultry journey. At our farm, we prioritize quality, ethical farming practices, and your satisfaction. Discover the true essence of farm-fresh poultry and embark on a delicious and nutritious culinary adventure with us.

Raving Reviews:
What Our Customers Are Saying


Saharsh Saraf

Kadaknath chicken and eggs have been a game-changer in my kitchen. The deep, rich flavor of the meat and the unique taste of the eggs elevate every dish I prepare. Knowing that they're sourced from an authentic place with a commitment to quality makes it even better

Siddarth Sonkar

Desi chicken and eggs have become staples in our household. The eggs are always fresh, and the chicken has a distinct taste that's hard to beat. We appreciate the ethical and organic farming practices that ensure our family enjoys nutritious and delicious meals.


Utkarsh T.

Sonali chicken is my go-to choice for versatile cooking. Its tender meat and mild flavor make it perfect for a wide range of dishes. Whether it's a hearty curry or a simple stir-fry, Sonali chicken always delivers excellent taste and texture.

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